Selasa, 15 Maret 2011


The TOEFL is the product of the Educational Testing Service (ETS). TOEFL, pronounced "toe-full", evaluates the potential success of an individual to use and understand standard American English at a college level.
TOEFL is required for non-native applicants at many US and other English-speaking colleges and universities. It is a standardized test of English for academic purposes, and is commonly used in university programs as a benchmark of proficiency in English for entrance requirements.
The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) is widely used by colleges and universities, scholarship agencies, and professional licensing organizations to assess English language proficiency.
Four skills are tested in TOEFL: Listening, Structure, Reading, and Writing. In the near future, Speaking will be added and Structure dispensed with. The test itself takes approximately four hours including the (required) computer tutorial.
TOEFL stands for Test Of English as a Foreign Language. The TOEFL was introduced in the 1960ies by ETS — Educational Testing Services. Now, almost 800,000 people take the TOEFL exam every year worldwide.
You probably know that a growing number of universities and colleges offer courses and academic study programs in English so if you want to enrol in one of them you must have a good command of the English language. This is where the TOEFL comes into play. It is the most widely used academic English proficiency test in the world. Thousands of colleges and universities use the TOEFL to test and evaluate the English language competency of their students and academic personnel.
In addition, many government agencies, sponsoring institutions and other authorities require TOEFL scores.
The TOEFL test measures English language proficiency in these three disciplines: reading, listening and writing. In most regions of the world you can take the TOEFL on a computer (CBT: Computer-Based Test) somewhere near your home. In areas with limited access to computer-based testing facilities you can take a paper-and-pencil version of the test.

kesimpulan :
TOEFL adalah singkatan dari Test Of Bahasa Inggris sebagai Bahasa Asing. TOEFL diperkenalkan di tahun 1960 oleh ETS - Educational Testing Services. Sekarang, hampir 800.000 orang mengambil ujian TOEFL setiap tahun di seluruh dunia. TOEFL adalah produk dari Educational Testing Service (ETS). TOEFL mengevaluasi potensi keberhasilan seorang individu untuk menggunakan dan memahami bahasa Inggris standar Amerika di tingkat perguruan tinggi. TOEFL diperlukan untuk pelamar non-asli di Amerika dan banyak digunakan oleh perguruan tinggi untuk mengetahui sejauh mana kemampuannya dalam bahasa inggris. TOEFL digunakan untuk tes standar bahasa Inggris untuk tujuan akademik, dan umumnya digunakan dalam program universitas sebagai patokan kemahiran dalam bahasa Inggris untuk persyaratan masuk. Empat keterampilan diuji dalam TOEFL: Listening, Struktur, Membaca, dan Menulis. Dalam waktu dekat, Berbicara akan ditambahkan dan Struktur ditiadakan. Tes itu sendiri berlangsung sekitar empat jam, termasuk komputer (wajib) tutorial.

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